This morning everything I ate was a cheerful shade of yellow-orange: scrambled eggs, peaches (both fresh and in a compote), and orange juice. A bright yellow pencil volunteered to be in the  photo as well. Quite a contrast to the chilly, damp, and gloomy weather that's set in this weekend.

I think I am fully back from Paris in my mind now, and no longer comparing everything I eat to what I ate (or was too full to eat) in Paris. The strong but pleasant taste of French cheese, which really doesn't travel successfully, is now a fading memory and I can eat my usual sliced cheese sandwich without feeling deprived. The sauces I make are sad but I'm getting used to them again.

Yesterday we went to the local art museum on the University of Michigan campus. I doubt if it's as big as 1% of the Louvre, but fortunately it currently has a delightful exhibit of brush paintings by Isamu Noguchi and his Chinese mentor -- "Isamu Noguchi / Qi Baishi / Beijing 1930."

After viewing it, we ate sushi for lunch nearby -- American sushi. I enjoyed it.

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