Tampilkan postingan dengan label Simple food. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Simple food. Tampilkan semua postingan

Wordless Wednesday: Recent Reading Wordless Wednesday: Recent Reading
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Kugel Kugel

Challah Kugel at kugel-making lesson, January 29, Jewish Women's Circle Potato kugel. Lokshen kugel or noodle kugel. Challah kugel. Appl...

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Good Eats Good Eats

Last night my book club met at my house to discuss Just Kids by Patti Smith. We found the book very appealing and fascinating, and discusse...

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Wrap up: Simple Cooking Wrap up: Simple Cooking

During our 3 weeks in Aspen (we leave Sunday), I've been paying a lot of attention to the contrast between elaborate restaurant meals an...

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Even Simpler Even Simpler

Continuing to report on how I cook in condo with good cooking equipent, but starting with a completely empty pantry and frige -- last night,...

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Cooking with basic ingredients Cooking with basic ingredients

Last night I cooked two dishes: baked chicken with Spanish smoked paprika (I brought it with me from Santa Barbara) and Gratin Dauphinoise, ...

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Back to Basics Back to Basics

Well, here we are in a condo in Aspen for 3 weeks. As is normal for such rentals, the kitchen is pretty well-equipped but NO food at all is ...

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An Excellent Point! An Excellent Point!

I've been traveling and eating all my meals in restaurants (or just crackers and peanut butter or something like that). So I appreciated...

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What is good at Trader Joe's? What is good at Trader Joe's?

Sometimes I think Trader Joe's is an emporium of pseudo-healthy junk food. Organic high calorie snacks. Appetizer pastries that you see ...

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