
Yesterday we visited the market in a very small town, Moycullen, a few miles from Galway where Arny and Tracy live. Irish potatoes, turnips, carrots, farmhouse cheese, honey, and a few other items are available now, though it's pretty bleak weather for farming. These are not farmers markets -- most of the fruit, vegetables, and other products are imported and are clearly so labeled.


The crepe maker used a big round griddle and a roller to make thin French-style crepes filled with a variety of choices including nutella.


Real Irish turnips.

The following photos are of the Galway market where we shopped this morning. Same sort of thing: many resellers of local and international foods, clothing, pottery, and many market goods.



In the foreground, a donut seller. Second stall: a bagel seller whose bagels Tracy loves -- you can just make out Tracy buying bagels. I reminded her that her mother once said "they shouldn't have fruit," but she did buy some with raisins. We enjoyed them for lunch.

The fish stall included a wide variety of fish and lots of local oysters that mainly come from a bit south of here, a town we passed on our way from Shannon Airport yesterday.

Next: carrots and parsnips with bits of the Old Sod clinging to them.


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