A Food Artist A Food Artist

In today's Diner's Journal in the New York Times : a reference to the work of Pedro Diego Alvarado-Rivera, a nephew of the famous D...

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Easy as boiling eggs? Easy as boiling eggs?

I've always thought it was easy to hard-boil eggs and I've been dubious about long complicated explanations. I always put them in co...

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In Aspen In Aspen

First dinner at the apartment where we'll be staying for the next 3 weeks in Aspen, Colorado. Same apartment where we stayed in June, 20...

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Looking forward to Paris Looking forward to Paris

I read here and here  (with illustrations) and lots of other places that beginning in 2009 you could get a Big Mac in the shopping center ...

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Garlic Smells Garlic Smells

"Can I smell the pickles?" I used to ask when I was a small child and my father took me to a delicatessan. I only vaguely remember...

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The Spirits Can Smell You The Spirits Can Smell You

Illustration from Radcliffe-Brown's The Andaman Islanders Note: My project on aromas and smells and how we perceive them has themes that...

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Bread and Milk Politics Bread and Milk Politics

  This week I read White Bread: A Social History of the Store-Bought Loaf by Aaron Bobrow-Strain and Milk: A Local and Global History by D...

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