On one of the delightful reruns of Julia Child shows, she and Jacques Pepin make a turkey dinner with all the traditional side dishes. As sh...
Manifold Cooking
At today's Old Car Festival in Greenfield Village, I learned about a cookbox that was made, back in the day, to fit over the exhaust man...
Food in Poetry
I often write about food in novels or other books I have read. I have just found a Poetry Magazine collection of poems that feature food . ...
Tarte au Citron
My project: to master a recipe for French-style Tarte au Citron. Above: my first effort. The crust and sugared lemons on top were based on t...
Patty-Pan Squash
For dinner: stuffed little patty-pan squash. Inspired by the Shakespeare cookbook , I spiced the breadcrumb, onion, and insides-of-squash fi...
Ann Arbor: The Farmers Market
The farmers market here is a bit sad this year because so much of the tree fruit was destroyed by an early warming period in March followed...
What did Shakespeare eat?
What did Shakespeare eat? Definitive answers here: The Shakespeare Cookbook by Andrew Dalby and Maureen Dalby, published by the British Mus...