Louise's Cookbook Party Game Louise's Cookbook Party Game

At Months of Edible Celebrations Louise is having a fun month, challenging her readers to post a recipe in honor of one of the special food...

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"Being inauthentic is a fact of America" "Being inauthentic is a fact of America"

In an article by an immigrant from Thailand with evolving views of Thai restaurants in America, I read this thought-provoking paragraph abou...

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No pumpkin problem No pumpkin problem

I've read that the floods in the Northeast are causing a pumpkin shortage. But there's good news! The shortage is local -- pumpkins ...

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Challah Challah

If you want to make good challah, I learned last night, you need to use good flour, good yeast, and water just the right temperature (not ho...

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It's Just about the Food It's Just about the Food

The Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery is a venerable event: I suspect it's the Gold Standard for food articles. Lazy me -- I haven...

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Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts

Daniel Spoerri's "Variations d'un Petit Dejuner, 1966" shows a conceptual breakfast; that is, a breakfast that someone has...

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"Cookbooks as Literature" "Cookbooks as Literature"

I just read a really good article about cookbook authors: " Soul Food: Cookbooks As Literature " by Maria Bustillos. Included for ...

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