"I write to sing the praises of processed food... . Without food processed in traditional, healthy ways, mankind would have become ext...
Good Local Food
Though the day was warm and beautiful, the sun sets early in October. So here is Lenny, grilling in the dark. Chicken from Ernst Farm is ava...
Green peppercorns are not local
Green peppercorns – the unripe form of black peppercorns -- originated in Madegascar, a former French colony, and from there made it to...
Local Eating
Support local agriculture. Eat fresher, better food. Reduce your carbon footprint. You can do virtuous things if you accept the promise of l...
Why I'm not pledging anything about food
The food blog Eating Rules is the inventor of "October: Unprocessed" a movement for people to pledge to eat only unprocessed food...
Food Issues
Why do we eat what we eat? As children, we learn what we like to eat and what we fear to eat. But growing up, we think of more and more reas...
For $15 at the Farmers Market
Here you see this morning's purchases at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market. I enjoyed my walk around the market and around Kerrytown as well.