$24 is the price of a 6 oz. chocolate bar with Mona Lisa computer-printed onto it (or any art work, for that matter). A curiosity. If you ha...
What did Colombo eat?
Colombo, the 1970s TV detective played by Peter Falk, always seemed to be a bumbling and ineffective investigator -- but then, "Oh, jus...
Apple Crumble
Among the hundreds of recipes for apple crumble, I tried a slightly different one tonight. Notable: I used my new vanilla powder in the topp...
Using Local Produce
Okra and peppers from the Farmers' Market: Okra omelet recipe in The New Orleans Cookbook by Rima and Richard Collin: Apple cake made w...
Thomas Jefferson's Vegetables
Exotic and ordinary vegetables grown at Monticello in Thomas Jefferson's lifetime included: "asparagus bean, sea kale, tomatoes, ru...
At the farmers' market today I bought ingredients for trying out recipes from my new Dooky Chase Cookbook . (See my post on the book fro...
Ann Arbor Farmer's Market Today
Here's the market stall for the famous Tantre Farms as seen in this weekend's New York Times magazine: Field Report: Will Work for ...