No pumpkin problem No pumpkin problem

I've read that the floods in the Northeast are causing a pumpkin shortage. But there's good news! The shortage is local -- pumpkins ...

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Challah Challah

If you want to make good challah, I learned last night, you need to use good flour, good yeast, and water just the right temperature (not ho...

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It's Just about the Food It's Just about the Food

The Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery is a venerable event: I suspect it's the Gold Standard for food articles. Lazy me -- I haven...

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Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts

Daniel Spoerri's "Variations d'un Petit Dejuner, 1966" shows a conceptual breakfast; that is, a breakfast that someone has...

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"Cookbooks as Literature" "Cookbooks as Literature"

I just read a really good article about cookbook authors: " Soul Food: Cookbooks As Literature " by Maria Bustillos. Included for ...

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Good Eats Good Eats

Last night my book club met at my house to discuss Just Kids by Patti Smith. We found the book very appealing and fascinating, and discusse...

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Hunger Hunger

"Hunger is an unforgivable disease because it is the easiest one to cure. It is devastating to wake up in the morning and look east, we...

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Labor Day Picnic Labor Day Picnic

South Lake, Michigan, Labor Day 2011 at Nat's house. Too cool to go out on the lake, but we saw two sandhill cranes walking on the beach...

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Plum Chutney Plum Chutney

Looking just like the plum chutney I have made in the past --

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What did Inspector French eat? What did Inspector French eat?

Freeman Wills Crofts is the creator of Scotland Yard Inspector French, who appears in a number of novels. I heard of his novels in an articl...

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This Year's Slow-Roasted Tomatoes This Year's Slow-Roasted Tomatoes

I've made slow-roasted tomatoes for the last few years. After a trip to the Ann Arbor farmers' market , I did it again on Wednesday....

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