Here you see this morning's purchases at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market. I enjoyed my walk around the market and around Kerrytown as well.
Food from the Scarlet Letter

Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter is a tightly-constructed study of guilt and revenge, as anyone who went to high school more than around 30 y...
Nutrition News

"Despite two decades of public health initiatives, stricter government dietary guidelines, record growth of farmers’ markets and the e...
Chocolate Mona Lisa

$24 is the price of a 6 oz. chocolate bar with Mona Lisa computer-printed onto it (or any art work, for that matter). A curiosity. If you ha...
What did Colombo eat?

Colombo, the 1970s TV detective played by Peter Falk, always seemed to be a bumbling and ineffective investigator -- but then, "Oh, jus...
Apple Crumble

Among the hundreds of recipes for apple crumble, I tried a slightly different one tonight. Notable: I used my new vanilla powder in the topp...
Using Local Produce
Okra and peppers from the Farmers' Market: Okra omelet recipe in The New Orleans Cookbook by Rima and Richard Collin: Apple cake made w...
Thomas Jefferson's Vegetables

Exotic and ordinary vegetables grown at Monticello in Thomas Jefferson's lifetime included: "asparagus bean, sea kale, tomatoes, ru...
At the farmers' market today I bought ingredients for trying out recipes from my new Dooky Chase Cookbook . (See my post on the book fro...
Ann Arbor Farmer's Market Today
Here's the market stall for the famous Tantre Farms as seen in this weekend's New York Times magazine: Field Report: Will Work for ...
Leah Chase, New Orleans Princess

The Dooky Chase Cookbook documents the life and recipes of Leah Chase, owner of the Dooky Chase restaurant in New Orleans. Her father-in-la...
My Parents' Markets

Recently, I've posted photos of some of the markets where I shop these days. I was browsing a collection of historic photos of places I...
Miriam's Guest Post: The Trouble with Children's Menus

Miriam says: "The trouble with children's menus is that these are the most common things that are always on them: macaroni and chee...